Four Ways To Avoid Eye Strain

Have you ever felt your eyes watering in the middle of a reading spree? Do you get blurred vision or headaches after hours of working in front of a computer? You might be suffering from eye strain. While it’s usually not serious, it is also something you shouldn’t take lightly. Below are four ways you can avoid eye strain:

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1. Use a bigger font instead of going near the screen

Did you know that a computer screen should be 16 inches away from your eyes? I was also surprised when I found out about this. Eye doctors suggest increasing the text size or reading books in larger print to help the eyes focus better.

2. Reduce glare

Instead of adjusting the brightness of your phone, why not use your gadgets in a room with better lighting? If your computer screen or phone is the brightest light in your surroundings, it might cause eye fatigue. If your eyes feel a bit dry, try blinking a few times and adjust your screen’s brightness. If you’re the type who likes reading in a dark room, at least have a bright lamp behind you that will help your eyes adjust and prevent the light from shining in your eyes.

3. Do the 20-20-20 rule

Basically, this rule is about taking a 20-second break from looking at a screen every 20 minutes. During this time practice focusing by looking at an object that is 20 feet away. Aside from being an eye exercise, the 20-20-20 rule is also a great way to relax the eyes even for a short time.

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4. Reduce screen and reading time

These days, most people tire their eyes out by reading or using their phones before bed. However, this is not advisable. Having the right amount of sleep is still the best rest for the eyes. Even if you can’t sleep yet, close your eyes or let the eyes adjust to the room’s darkness.

Ron Ozer here. I’m an aspiring author and journalist currently studying English and American Literature at the New York University. When I’m not reading, I often spend my time visiting museums and iconic New York City neighborhoods. For more of my musings, visit this page.


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